Monday, October 24, 2005


Your nice car is sitting in front of a garage and a hurricane is headed towards you. This means:

1. You are just too dumb to be driving a car like that;

2. The garage is too full of crap for the car to fit in;

3. You cannot afford the car payments and are hoping the tree falls on it so you can collect on the insurance.

4. You are too mesmerized watching Anderson Cooper Anderson Vanderbilt being buffetted by winds on a causeway to go move your car.


Anonymous said...

"HEY! I was watching that!"
"You said you'd cut that damned tree down today."
"It ain't goin' anywhere."
"You said."
"FINE! Move your car."


Anonymous said...

You can hear someone somewhere saying "I didn't think it would be as bad as everyone said it would."

Lt. W - that is exactly what people from Key West to Fort Myers to Ft. Lauderdale have said since the hurricane went by.

Normally I'd vote 1 but I know several people where 2 is definitely the case.

Anonymous said...

10. You're so proud of having such a fancy car that you'd never hide it in a garage where it wouldn't be seen by the neighbors - oops!