Saturday, October 29, 2005


This is a brief addendum to an earlier rant about power cords.

1. The world will not end by a giant meteor slamming into us or by the sun suddenly going out. It will end by choking to death on defunct powercords.

2. In the event a power cord goes missing, one cannot find a fit from the brazilian(*) power cords clogging up the closets and drawers. One must buy a new one so that the powerless electronic device can be usable.

3. All powercords, regardless of the electronic device, cost $29.99. Plastic and wire. $29.99.

4. I think we should redirect our anger away from the petroleum companies and go after the powercord companies.

5. On second thought, let's get 'em both.

(*) That only makes sense if you've heard the joke about the 3 brazilian soldiers


Anonymous said...

I think we should redirect our anger away from the petroleum companies and go after the powercord companies.

Guess who makes the plastic for the power cords?

Anonymous said...

You're welcome to come over and look in my power cord drawer anytime - I think I have hundreds and you're right, they're never the right one - hmmmph!