Saturday, July 12, 2008


For those of you whose RSS Aggregators have been aggravated by my blog today, I apologize. I've been trying to finalize the posts about Meghan's wedding, and Blogspot and I have been having issues with each other.

Since April, I have been working on making the "perfect post" about my daughter's wedding. I finally realized that I was not going to be happy with anything I wrote, so decided to let the pictures tell their story.

The five posts that follow will do just that.

And I'm happy to say I've finally finished this before their third wedding reception will be held, this one in Pennsylvania in August. I'll post those pictures sometime in November at the rate I'm going.


Jerry said...

Glad to have you back in Bloggoworld! It wasn't the same without you. I haven't been able to eat or sleep. I lost 56 pounds, my blood pressure has to be measured with special instruments, and my cardiac was arrested so many times that the State of Texas declared me habitual.

Leetie said...

Wonderful posts, Sly!

Thanks for sharing.