Saturday, May 16, 2009


A couple of weekends ago, I went to The Lake with a couple of friends. In this area, The Lake refers to Lake of the Ozarks.

Now, you'd think that after spending a weekend at The Lake with friends, and my camera, that I'd have a lot of pictures of my friends, wouldn't you.

Well, you'd be wrong.

Whenever I got out my camera, my friends would dive behind afghans or curtains, shouting for me to "put that thing away!"

I did get shots of unsuspecting birds.....

....fisherman in the rain......

....and a ruin. Hmmm. I need to straighten that shot.

In my photography class, a number of my fellow students have gone to the bluffs up in Alton or to The BIrd Sanctuary and got some great shots of eagles and owls in flight.

While at The Lake, I got a blurry picture of a turkey buzzard.

Then we went shopping. It was the same Saturday as the Kentucky Derby, so I considered this hat for Derby watching.

I said I didn't get any photos of my friends; but that's Pat sitting behind me looking quite dubious about that hat.

Then we went to the Coach store, where I scored on a sale.

I took those pictures with my iPhone after I got home so I could e-mail them to my sister. I got the yellow one for her. She arrived at my house last night and liked it so much, that I think she slept with it under her pillow last night.

That was to keep her daughter from stealing it.

1 comment:

Leetie said...

Great shots!!

LOVE the dove. I have dovelove.
He's very puffy!