The Saturday after Thanksgiving, I went with Jenni and Tim to Northwest's game against West Texas A & M.
That's me on the left, Jenni on the right. Trust me.
Oh, did I mention that it was frikkin' cold?
Although, that doesn't explain why this young woman was wearing a grass skirt.
Jenni said the students had held a pep rally the night before.
OK, whatever.
We were very thankful for the space heater in Tim's office where we warmed our tootsies at half-time.
The kicker for West Texas kicked BAREFOOT. Did I mention it was cold?
The following week, Northwest traveled to Chadron State in Nebraska where they dealt with snow..
Prior to last night's game against Grand Valley, 5 inches of snow had to be removed from the field and the stands. Then a freezing rain fell during the game. In the last minutes of the game, with the score 34-16, Grand Valley's coach called a time out, crossed the field and advised Northwest's coach that he was going to let the clock run out in hopes of preventing injuries.
Let's hope the weather is better in Florence next weekend.
Oh wait. The Bearcats do well in bad weather.
And by the way, i 2005 and 2006, the Bearcats lost to Grand Valley in the Championship Game in Florence. So last night's win at home was very sweet for the Bearcats.
Thanks for giving props to NW in your blog.
The game last night was so much colder than the one you were at, mom. But it was so much more fun! Grand Valley was undefeated in their last 40 games. 40 GAMES! Like mom said, we played them the past two years for the championship game in Florence, Alabama. Obviously (given their 40 game win streak) they won both. "They" - whoever that is - switched things up this year so we met them in the semi-finals. It'll be interesting meeting someone else down in Alabama.
Our pastor at church this morning said that we woke up at 11:30 last night because he heard "Sweet Home Alabama" blasting from the stadium speakers. WOKE UP?!?!? Even my dad was still awake watching the game on ESPN2!
One necessary correction:
"In the last minutes of the game, with the score 34-16, Chadron's (should be Grand Valley's) coach called a time out, crossed the field and advised Northwest's coach that he was going to let the clock run out in hopes of preventing injuries." Grand Valley's coach sure has class.
Correction has been made.
I was attending a Christmas event at the time the game was on and had Meghan text me updates. The texts didn't come through until we left the restaurant. I had thought the girls forgot about me. When I got home, I watched the rest of the game and tried to see if I could find Jenni and Tim in the crowd.
Amazing game. Cold. So cold. My chances of creating grandchildren is slim. I think the groundhog might never check his shadow again, if you know what I mean.
Also, it's West Texas A & M. Just for the record.
D2 football has a playoff system. Click on for more information on a real playoff system.
Check out the NW-Valdosta State game next Saturday morning at 11 central. On ESPN2. Set your DVR's to record until 3:40 p.m. It will be a long, close battle. I doubt NW wins (there's no way we can win another title), but we have several special players (Xavier Omon and Joel Osborn, to name two) and I wish they had a championship because they are champions as people and as student athletes.
Gotta run. Groundhog moved. -- Tim
Does your wife know you talk like that on the internets?
OK, I made the proper edit to West Texas' name.
Sheesh! Anything else?
Don't answer, just go deal with the groundhog.
"Dealing with the groundhog" - is that what the kids are calling it these days???
school where i work was division I-AA for many years,with a similar playoff system. from being division champs twice, they've gone to being mediocre in 'the big time'.
but with the playoff system, the teams that do well, (and it's almost always the same ones) play 15 or 16 games a year...
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