Thursday, April 26, 2007


1. You can't easily get here from there. "There" being the Midwest. Basically, it takes a good chunk of the day in travel time; at least half a day if you are lucky with connections. In my travels back and forth to Sacramento from St. Louis, I've also been to Phoenix, Las Vegas, Kansas City and Denver. OK, so back in the day, it took DAYS to get there, but that was then, this is now. All I ask for is a direct flight.

2. When driving in downtown Sacramento, looking in your rear view mirror and seeing a train on your bumper does NOT mean you've had too much to drink and you've driven onto the train tracks. But I still find it somewhat disconcerting when look in the rear view mirror and see that a train is tailgating.

3. The Confederation of California Republican Women have no sense of humor. I'll just leave it at that.

4. Trains here have turn signals. OK, so they really aren't' trains per se, more like street cars, but still, it's strange to see a train with its left turn signal blinking.

5. I saw the Governator. From afar. I'm sure he wrote about it in his blog as well.

6. The Confederation of California Republican Women need to loosen their corsets.

7. I saw a Hindu wedding procession. Absolutely beautiful. But the hotel still reeks of curry and incense three days later.

8. I'm still finding sequins and rhinestones in the elevator days after the Sweet Adelines had their convention here.

9. The difference between the Confederation of California Republican Women and the Northern California Sweet Adelines is all in the harmony. Guess which group has none.

UPDATE: My contact lenses are still on back order with Crown Optical. I ordered those on March 15 and they STILL can't tell me when they will be delivered. Mind you, they've had my money since then, but I don't have my contacts. They have supplied me with trial contact lenses, but just don't seem to be too concerned about getting my order filled. This is getting annoying.


Leetie said...

I wanna hear the story about the Confederation of California Republican Women!

Anonymous said...

are you complaining about being in beautiful Cali?? didn't think so. ;)

Anonymous said...

My guess is that it (humorlessness) has nothing to do with WOMEN and nothing to do with CALIFORNIA. It has quite a bit to do with being REPUBLICAN, and everything to do with joining a CONFEDERATION.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

I too thought of many obvious (to me, anyway) things to say about the humourlessness of REPUBLICAN women but they were all mean. And you know me: I'm all about the nice!

So. Have you bought any wonderful shoes? Or bags?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you back, Sly!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, sly!