Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I may have to start taking my laptop with me on the bus. On the rides to and from work, I think up all kinds of things to post here. But once I get off the bus, I'm either too busy or I sit down to write and get hit by that blank screen and a blank mind.

Previews of upcoming posts: The staining and varnishing weekend(s) and Jenni's and Tim's new house; the new addition to our family, Little Miss Annarae; and an update from the files of my inner Gladys Kravitz. Then there's the upcoming trip to New York, and Jenni and Tim's move into their new house.

Yup. I just may need to take the laptop on the bus.

In the meantime, I leave you with this shot of newborn loveliness; my new grand-niece, Annarae.


Higgy said...

Very cute shot. Hey, I know a guy about six months older than her who'd LOVE to make her acquaintance....

Anonymous said...


Tramp said...

Air Babies. Cool.
Now we are waiting for the list. You know, do's and dont's...